Here's an easy idea to prevent body odor

The body exacerbates the excessive sweating of the summer. This can result in a shortage of people who are near us. Although there are many products in the market to prevent smell of body sweat, it can sometimes prevent your body's smell. There are some simple solutions to eliminate such a problem.

Cooking soda: Mix some wheat flour with cooking soda powder and clean the canal with this mixture during the bath. Doing so reduces body odor.

Spicy ingredients: Eating more spicy foods and consuming caffeine can increase sweat odor. So reduce the service of such foods in the summer.

Image result for hand sanitizer

Hand sanitizer: Hand sanitizer can be used to prevent sweating of the sweat. After bathing, the hand sanitizer is applied to the underarm to reduce the odor.

Lemon juice: Mix two drops of lemon juice into the bath water. Because lemon is considered natural dioodorant. If you bathe in this water, the sweat of the sweat will be reduced.

Wear clean clothes: Change clothes twice every day. Because of the bacteria in sweaty clothes. It increases body stenosis. It's best to wear cotton and lenon clothes especially in the summer.


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