Maruti Omni Car production stops from 2020

The year 2020, from October to Omni Maruti Suzuki car company has decided to cease production.
The production of the Bharat New Vehicle Safety Assessment Program (BNVSAP) will begin in October 2020, with many vehicles being shut down. Maruti Suzuki's Maruti Suzuki's car, RC Bhargava, said in a statement.

Maruti Suzuki launched Maruti Suzuki's second Maruti 800 in 1983. In 34 years the original car model was only 2 times changed. The headlamp was changed in 1998, and the smallest change in the front-of-the-car dashboard was released in 2005.

Maruti Alto and Maruti Eco will be releasing their designs in the wake of security issues, Bhargava said.

Why the breakdown?
In the wake of casualty losses, the central government has instructed all car manufacturers to ensure that all vehicles must adhere to the minimum safety criteria by 2020. Because Omni is directly on the front of the car, it is not possible to provide safety at those involved during the accident. The Omni model is not able to release the car following the BNVSA standard. For this reason, the Maruti Suzuki company has decided to stop this model completely.  

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