Hindu's what do you want?

Before you go onto reading the rest of the post, please go through this prefix with an open mind. just as I have admitted with an open and honest mind, that yes, there have been failures on the economic front, despite NaMo's best efforts. Maybe he has not lived up to the expectations of the people who voted for him. To err is human. He has made mistakes. He will also make some in the future too. Who hasn't.? Remember, we elected a politician, not a magician. Now see the other side too. a glaring reality staring at our future. He is being blamed for creating a divide between the Hindus & Muslims on communal lines. My dear pseudo-seculars, the divide always existed.! The Hindus, a majority, were always treated as step-children in their own country. Everything was alright till they took the crap lying down. But the moment there is an awakening, a resurgence of the till now suppressed Hindu pride, all hell breaks loose & the communal drums start beating! Isn't this the height of hypocrisy on the part of certain sections of our so-called intelligentsia.?
Now... read on:
The way one after one state is slipping out of hands of BJP..? 
NO! From Hindu's!
Hindu's what do you want?
BJP recovered Kashmir from the Islamic Rule of 70 years! 

BJP & Modi stopped (or are trying to stop) all types of corruption.

Modi restored the 700-year-old dream by getting the RAM MANDIR back from Mughals & Congress.

BJP is arming our defense forces with the latest & lethal weaponry!

BJP is kicking out illegal Muslims out of India, by NRC, CAA, etc.

BJP is adding value & respect to you and your Passport!

BJP has been largely successful in stopping all types of terrorism, bomb blasts, attack on temples..

Modi is getting & also manufacturing next-generation fighter planes, missiles, submarines, tanks in Bharat!

Modi is building an India which can challenge or counter-challenge any country in the world.

Modi wants to make India a superpower in solar energy, wind energy, clean & renewable energy!

Modi is providing toilets to every Indian, the opportunity to every youth, affordable & mostly free education & medical facility to millions of poor Indians.

Modi is trying to save you from certain/assured/imminent attack by United Islamic & Jihadi Forces! (You have seen their arrogance & intentions recently on streets throughout India! The mobs were 100% Muslims, & they were openly challenging a law enacted legally by Parliament! If they are just 20% & if they can do this, imagine what will they do after 10 years? These mobs couldn't enter your bedrooms.. because MODI was guarding YOUR house! Otherwise, you know what would have happened!

Wake UP Hindu's, Wake UP!
Muslims have 58 Countries to take shelter! If forced out of India, where will you go? Think of it, think of your children! Think of what happened to Hindus of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir, Kerala, West Bengal.!

Time is running out. Either stand/support/contribute/work/assist/help/fight actively alongside MODI, or Start learning Namaaz, & start stitching Burkhas for the female members of your family. Don't ever say that you were

You fail, & you will be wiped out from planet earth! Their agenda is an open one. Islamization of the world. Many European nations are already in deep 'green' shit. The choice is Yours. Chhatrapati Shivaji, Rana Pratap, Prithviraj Chauhan, all the 10 Sikh Gurus, Guru Gobind Singhji, Savarkar, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, etc.. Did they waste their entire life fighting for cowards like you & me.? 
Try and find an answer!
Before it's too late! You do not have Years/Months to decide! Islam is already knocking on your door. Don't pretend to hear it by stuffing the cotton-wool of secularism up your.. ears!
If you agree, please circulate


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