Enclosed screen shot shows the positions of three planets Saturn, Mars and Jupiter...

Enclosed screen shot shows the positions of three planets Saturn, Mars and Jupiter at 2AM on March 28th, the picture is from mob application ‘Sky Map’ (which can be freely down loaded from google play stores) which shows the picture of sky with planets in real time. The three planets are in Capricorn constellation and were on the South-East part of sky at about 70 degrees as of 2AM today (ref: Bangalore location), the three planets can be seen by naked eyes in the night time after 11PM on Sout-East side of sky for another 5/6 days.

Between March 28 th 29 th Mars will be in close conjunction (close angular distance of < 1 degree) with Saturn and Jupiter, which is unique Astronomical phenomena. It will be like bringing two big Antennas (Sat & Jupiter) and one relatively small Antenna but close to earth (Mars) in one line, hence the spectrum, intensity of the Solar and Cosmic radiation reaching Earth will be much different during this conjunction time than any other day. 

The effect of this phenomena/radiation could be very adverse on humans, including human system can become very vulnerable for the attack of deadly Corona virus spread in our environment at the moment. Hence people are advised strictly to stay indoors between Mar 28 th April 3rd.

People who have faith in power of Mantras are planing to chant various mantras like ‘Vishnu Sahasra Naama’, ‘Lalitha Sahasra naama’, Gayatri Mantra etc,. during this period. In fact in Kerala several Vedis/Tantries are planing to chant mantras simultaneously at 6PM on March 29 th to protect humans from ill effects.


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