Surprising 'Contagion': 9 years ago, Kovid-19!

An English cinema, which opened nine years ago to the amazement of the coronavirus virus, has shocked people and is looking for OTT streaming apps. The 'Contagion' cinema, which was launched in 2011, is now making noise everywhere.
Contagion: 2011 Film Trends on iTunes & Apple TV Thanks to ...

Steven Soderbergh's 'Contagion' tells how a deadly virus engulfed people and killed them. Despite the usual viral cinema in Hollywood, the cinema's astonishment and curiosity is that it has many similarities to the now-spreading coronavirus and the virus that is present in the film. For this reason, 'Contagion' is now a multi-faceted film, drawing people back and bringing financial benefits to OTT platforms. What is 'Contagion' content?
The inspiration for director Soderbergh's story of 'Contagion' was the 2002–2004 death of the virus and the anxiety of the 2009 hackizwar. As a coincidence, the virus has its origin in China. This is why people around the world are watching this movie. Also, many similar movies are being watched on OTT platforms.

Coronation story is similar to Corona

In the Asian rainforest, a large tree rolls through a bulldozer and the bats that inhabit it change their habitat. As they move from place to place, a bouncer drops a piece of banana he has eaten into a pig-shed. The chef at a casino in Macao makes the pig that ate it. He does not clean his hands properly and shakes hands with a woman who came to play in the casino. Then the woman touched the things that touched her, and all who came in contact were coughing, euthanasia, and died in a short time.

Worldwide death carcass
An oncoming virus can spread from one person to another, causing death. By the time the World Health Organization developed the drug, the 2.6 million people around the world had died of the virus. The similarity in the story to Corona is astonishing. In the context of the entire film, the development of the present-day 'Corona' epic has similarities. 9 years ago, this picture was shown of the broadcast media as our doctor is now trying to raise awareness of how the coronavirus spreads!

Discussion on Malayalam 'virus'

It's a clean U for Virus; All set to hit screens on June 7

The controversial Malayalam 'Virus' movie which debuted last year along with 'Contagion' is now being debated on OTT apps. Set against the backdrop of the 'Nipah' virus, which is set to hit the country in 2018, the film is awe-inspiring and cinematic. This is the story of a man infected with the 'Nipah' virus, who was infected with a virus after being hospitalized in Kozhikode, killing 16 people. The film is now being made available to audiences on a digital platform.

Corona infection for medical consultant

Ironically, Iona Lipkin, head of Columbia University's Center for Infection and Immunity, a medical consultant for 'Contagion', is now infected with Corona. "I don't know where and how this infection has spread," he said.

Some popular 'virus' films

The Seventh Seal (1957)
Children of Men (2006)
I'm Legend (2007),
Contagion (2011)
Warm Bodies (2013),
Train to Busan (2016),
Virus (2019-Malayalam)


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