Gang Attack is one of the missions that allow players to earn serious rewards in GTA 5 Online. Read on to learn about gang attack locations in GTA 5 Online.

GTA 5 Online

GTA 5 Online

GTA 5 Online offers a range of missions, tasks, and challenges that players can participate in to earn some extra cash and RP rewards within the game. Gang Attacks is one among the side missions available in GTA 5 Online that permits players to earn a minimum of 500 RP upon successful completion of the mission. The RP rewards increase if there are more players within the game. This is when a player manages to urge more kills during a game.

Post a Gang Attack, players also can collect all the cash and weapons from the crates that are dropped or left behind. This may take the total reward of over $2,500.

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Gang Attack locations in GTA 5 Online

The Gang Attack gets unlocked once you've got leveled your character up to rank 18. Once you've got done that, you get an introductory call from Martin Madrazo, where he requests that the player wipe out his enemies in their hideouts. Gang Attacks get unlocked after the successful completion of the mission. There are quite 50 Gang Attacks located throughout the sport. Here may be a list of the present gang attacks in GTA Online:

  • Rogers Scrapyard, La Puerta
  • Chamberlain Hills, South Los Santos
  • Los Santos International Airport warehouse
  • Los Santos Naval Port, Elysian Island
  • The Daisy Lee, Terminal
  • Del Perro Pier
  • Vespucci Canals
  • Central Milling Company, Cypress Flats
  • Car scrapyard, El Burro Heights
  • Mansion construction, Dunstable Lane, Rockford Hills
  • Grand Banks Steel Foundry, Cypress Flats
  • Storage for Lease warehouse, La Mesa
  • Cherry Pie farm, Great Chaparral
  • Mile High Club construction site, Pillbox Hill
  • 1001 North Rockford Drive, Richman
  • La Puerta Apartments construction site, Little Seoul
  • Pillbox Hill subway construction (underground)
  • Alta Construction Site, Alta
  • Foreclosed farm on Baytree Canyon Road, Grand Senora Desert
  • Stoner Cement Works, Senora Road, Grand Senora Desert
  • Palmer-Taylor Power Station
  • Cape Catfish, San Chianski Mountain Range
  • Dignity Village, Procopio Beach
  • Thomson Scrapyard, Grand Senora Desert
  • Farm opposite Yellow Jack Inn, Grand Senora Desert
  • Mount Chiliad - dirt road tunnel
  • Trailer park, RON Alternates Wind Farm
  • Davis Quartz quarry

How to complete the Gang Attack mission in GTA 5 Online?

To complete a Gang Attack in GTA 5 Online, you would like to look for a red circle on the minimap. Once you've got found the circle, you would like to go over to the spot where you'll encounter a bunch of aggressive gang members whom you would like to take out to complete the objective. You can get as few as 10 or as many as 30 enemies during a mission. The game also will display a counter within the lower right corner of your HUD to point out the number of remaining enemies.

You can also prefer to leave the Gang Attack within the middle of an occasion which provides you an on-screen warning that you simply are leaving the world. You don't get a penalty for leaving the sport mid-way, however, it forfeits the RP reward and therefore the items find yourself disappearing from the zone.

Image credits: Rockstar Games


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