This news anchor has become viral as she has courage to tell raw fact's.As rightly said by her Immunity alone has become powerful Sales pitch which is sold by Drug & pharma industry.

This news anchor has become viral as she has the courage to tell raw facts.
As rightly said by her Immunity alone has become a powerful Sales pitch which is sold by Drug & pharma industry.

We are always being fooled in the name of health & wellness and the drug & pharma industry has played a vital role in this to keep Human beings scared every year so that Human beings will be in fear and recurring business continues but this is affecting human lives.
Logically all diseases from the common cold to dreaded cancer have their basis in the internal cleanliness, a toxaemic condition of the body, caused by defective elimination arising from the adoption of wrong, unhygienic Habits of living, 
Good health is the fundamental right of every living Human being, Nature has provided us with a wonderful autonomic nervous system which sustained us in the face of injury and the built-in immune system can fight all diseases and aids repair and healing. The human mind runs the Human body that's where the Drug industry plays with human minds by manipulating.
In today's world, we find very less doctors who have intension to cure patients & rest all are commercialized and English/western medicine intake is spoiling our Health.
For example, Doctor tells Egg is good for health as it contains the good amount to protein but he don't tell Egg/Eggmeal is not good for health,  consumption of egg increase the susceptibility of LDL Cholesterol to oxidation, The landmark 2013 shows that Choline from Eggs appears to increase in cardiovascular diseases and also increase in the risk of strokes & heart attacks 
Second example Dibateies can be cured by proper Ayurvedic medicine like sugar Knocker along with the right intake of food, regular Yoga & exercise but doctors provide English medicine to intake till the end of life.
The third example Cholesterol Myth Cholesterol is found in all food of animal origin, it is an integral part of the animal cell wall, There is no cholesterol found in anything vegetarian food, Various hormones in the body are manufactured from Cholesterol and han lover can manufacture enough cholesterol to meet human body needs even if there is no intake of food.
The drug industry is heavily financing medical education & doctors are brainwashed right from the day they enter Medical school so there is a problem in production and we can rely on Doctor's only we need to educate ourselves continuously to keep ourselves Healthy as being healthy is in our hand and not in Doctor's hand.
Human beings as well eat continuously and collect food in plenty in the stomach as a dustbin doesn't give time to heal our body, our body has inbuilt Prana energy which is very powerful than any medicine but its continuously busy indigestion day or night and no time to heal.
 If someone is really interested to read & take action to keep themselves & their entire family healthy they should read this book YOU CAN BE HEALTHY by B.M.Hegde  and if u find helpful also introduce to additional 10 people closed to you so that all can revisit their school of thoughts and experience a healthy life and remain Healthy.
Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu🙏


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