Beautiful Moral... Worth reading...

 A group of friends visited to old hindu monk

Conversation soon turned to complaints about 'STRESS' & 'TENSION' in life. Monk offered them coffee & returned from kitchen with coffee in different kinds of cups (glass cups, crystal cups, shining ones, some plain looking, some ordinary n some expensive ones.)

When all of them had a cup in hand, the Monk said:
"If YOU noticed, all the nice looking & expensive cups are taken up, leaving behind the ordinary ones. Everyone of YOU wanted the best CUPS, & that is the source of YOUR STRESS & TENSION.

What YOU really wanted was "Coffee", not the "Cup", but YOU still went for the best Cup.

If life is Coffee,then Jobs, Money, Status & Love. . . .etc are the Cups.

They are just tools to hold and contain life.

Don't let the CUPS drive YOU. 
Enjoy the COFFEE.

Have a wonderful Life ahead.🙏 


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