Facebook Breaks Down its Ad Policy Review Process

We know that the Facebook system analyzes all the ads you send and reviews them before they are served. People have long been confused why ads that seemingly follow the rules are sometimes rejected while the obvious scams somehow succeed.

To increase transparency, Facebook recently looked at how its ad review process works, and it was extremely enlightening.

First, they reminded users that it's not just strict advertising policies that apply to Facebook ads. You should also check to make sure that each ad complies with brand content policies, business policies, event policies, and more (if applicable). You have to follow all the rules of Facebook on the advertising platform.

They also explained that, as many of our users will have noticed, most ads are generally approved within 24 hours. I've had ads approved in just five minutes, as I'm sure many of our readers have, too.

When an ad is submitted for the first time, they will use an automated review that uses machine learning and algorithms to pinpoint potential problems. The approved ad may run and may be subject to human review later. If the ad is rejected, you can appeal and submit it for human review. They remind users that if an ad is rejected, they can always edit and resubmit it.

Facebook also cautions advertisers that, in addition to reviewing individual ads, they look at an advertiser's profile in general.

Have you tried to get around the ad review process in the past or find loopholes? Are users rejected or reported a large number of ads? Facebook can take action against advertisers who consistently violate its policies, including suspension or ban.


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