Do you know? In the country we have 545 MP, 245 Rajya Sabha MP 4120 MLA is. *Altogether 4910 public representatives*.

If all these people's representatives together give ₹ 5 lakh from their personal accounts to the Government of India. So India can collect Rs 2,455,000,000. to fight the corona epidemic. 

Why every time the people of middle class family of the country are appealed to help the country?

Do these politicians not have any responsibility and accountability towards the people of India?

After all, why do these honorable MPs and MLAs, after spending their own MPs and MLA funds, present the proof of being the true public representative of the country and get rid of their duties?
While that money is given by the public to the government in the form of tax to run and develop the country. Can not the Prime Minister of our country, Shri Narendra Modi, appeal to his public representatives for the national interest?

Therefore, we request our Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to appeal to these honorable public representatives of India to donate Rs. 5 lakhs from his personal accounts to serve the country. So that the people of the country can make money for economic and health works during this time of emergency. 

A true indian.

If you agree, share it and help us to reach this matter to every citizen and Prime Minister of the country.


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