Should we be worried about increasing covid 19 cases in India? Has lockdown helped us deal with Covid 19? Dr D P Prakash FRCS American Eyecare&Lasik Centres
Should we be worried about increasing covid 19 cases in India? Has lockdown helped us deal with Covid 19? Dr D P Prakash FRCS American Eyecare&Lasik Centres Many of you must be wondering whether the lockdown of India for 2 full months from March 23rd 2020 as we now have more than 400,000 cases of Covid-19 in India on June 22, 2020. Was it worth the loss of livelihoods that has plunged the entire national economy to crisis? In my view lockdown has given Indian citizens a greater chance of being alive than citizens of UK, ITALY, SPAIN or USA. If we compare the death rates of these countries with Indian deaths it’s as high as 5-10% in these countries whereas our deaths are less than 3% . This despite the fact that these above nations have a healthcare delivery system that’s far more advanced than ours. The answer for this is TIME. As time passes in a pandemic there’s a greater chance of survival for those getting infected 3 months later like June 2020 than those who got inf...