Use Pepper - Prevent Corona: *Let's share with each other, Let everybody win...* Kindly Reach to ALL...
(Including a clear reference to orthodox medicine and its scientific explanation) This is a wonderful Ramabana, patiently read and follow... Requested for an Ayurvedic drug project for Corona, We have been asked to confirm that your drug has a clinical trial on the corona. The funny thing is that any treatment that is currently being done is not a clinical trial on Corona. And how many people can sell this when they need a clinical trial ?! And Peppermint is a commodity that is not something new. Putting together all these reasons, we are sharing this explanation. Divine power has inspired this message. • Yes, pepper is a fantastic drug. • Whoever says, use pepper in a scientific way for 21 days. Do not wait for any modern research evidence. Follow emergency care in the event of an emergency, preventing you from coming to your home. Life before-after proof as well. Outcome before-after research. There is no time. Reference to Charaka, Sushruta, Bhavapraksha-Kaiyadeva-Raja Dictiona...